Press Release (PDF)
YPSILANTI, Mich. ( -- Continuing our pursuit to provide affordable, non-judgmental health and wellness care to young people, The Corner Health Center announced its new School Wellness Program (SWP) this Thursday, August 15. The Corner also revealed the existing Expanding, Enhancing Emotional Health (E3) program will be transitioning to W.A.V.E. (Washtenaw Alliance for Virtual Education).
The SWP will begin this coming school year, where The Corner will deploy a nurse and a social worker to provide clinical and behavioral health services at
Washtenaw International High School and Middle Academy. Additionally, The Corner’s E3 program will continue to provide behavioral health therapy through individual and group sessions to students at
W.A.V.E. through an on-site therapist and a program manager. The program previously served Belleville High School.
“These innovative programs are an important way for The Corner to meet its mission to serve adolescents by reaching them where they are: inside the school and out in the community,” Executive Director Alex Plum said. “It’s a huge honor to be given this opportunity and responsibility, and I’m excited to help lead us into the future with these two programs.”
The Corner has partnered with MDHHS’s Child and Adolescent Health Center (CAHC) Program for over 30 years, dating back to the program’s inception in the early 1990’s. The goal of these centers is to promote the health of children, adolescents, and their families by providing important primary, preventative, and early intervention health care services. Child Adolescent Health Centers provide primary care, preventative care, comprehensive health assessment, vision and hearing screening, medication, immunization, treatment of acute illness, co-management of chronic illness, health education, and mental health care. These integrated primary care and mental health centers serve youth and adolescents ages 5-21 in schools (School-Based Health Centers, SWP, E3) or near school property (School Linked Health Centers). You can learn more about the CAHC program
School-based healthcare has always been a priority for The Corner as it’s part of our origin. ‘The Corner’ got its name in 1981 when our clinic first started providing young people with wellness care in a corner classroom of Ypsilanti High School. Accordingly, the SWP & E3 programs are deeply entrenched in The Corner’s mission and values.
“The Corner has been a CAHC partner for several years,” Mario Wilcox, Mental Health Consultant for MDHHS, said. “Their commitment to school-based health and wellness care for our Enhancing, Expanding Emotional health (E3) program, and now the School Wellness Program (SWP), is essential for young people in need in Washtenaw County.”
Both programs are funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), with a match contribution provided by The Corner.
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