Be A Mentor

If it wasn’t for others, where would I be? I am the others.

Ashley Anderson, CHC Director of Programs

If you have an interest in being a 1-1 mentor or leading a mentoring group, this is the place for you.

Not all mentoring activies in Core have the same requirements. Mentors are paired based on a positive match with a mentee, or experience to lead certain types of groups. Some activites may come with a stipend, food, supplies, etc., while others may not. By completeing the application process and training, you are agreeing to the opportunity to mentor or lead a group, as need and matches indicate.


All Mentors must believe in the Misson of Corner Health Center: The mission of the Corner Health Center is to inspire 12- to 25-year-olds (and their children) to live and sustain healthy lives by providing them with judgment-free, affordable health and wellness care and education.

Qualities Mentoring Role
  • Honest
  • Dependable
  • Consistent
  • Caring
  • Empathetic
  • Professional
  • Communicative
  1. Take the lead in supporting a young person through an ongoing, one-to-one relationship
  2. Serve as a positive role model and friend
  3. Build the relationship by planning and participating in activities together
  4. Strive for mutual respect
  5. Build self-esteem and motivation
  6. Help set goals and work toward accomplishing them

Commitment: A consistent track record of following through to honor you commitments, value relationships, provide postivie reinforement, openness to learn, and ability to connect mentees to resources. We ask that all active mentors make a 1 year commitment.

Demographic: We are open to all types of mentors. We serve a variety of young people with diverse backgrounds and needs. If you value our mission, complete the application and background check and have a desire to building relationship, then YOU are our person.



Submit an application.


Someone from our team will be in touch with you to schedule a meet and greet. This is a way for you to ask any questions, learn about Corner and its programs, expectations and ask any questions.


You will receive information on Mentor training that must be completed before you can be paired with a mentee.


When the need for a mentor arises, in which you may be a good fit, we will reach out and guide you through the connection process with the mentee or group and share specifics. If the match is successful, you can begin.

Make an Appointment

Call us at 734-484-3600 or click below.

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