The Corner Health Center offers a full range of medical services to keep you healthy. These services include:
- Wellness Care and Prevention
- Acute/Sick Care
- Physicals
- Immunizations/Shots
- Men’s Health
- LGBTQ+ Health
- Sexual Health
- Visits for Your Children
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Wellness Care and Prevention
Wellness care and routine check-ups help keep you healthy when you already are. Wellness services include physicals, immunizations and TB tests.
It’s important to see a doctor once a year. During this annual checkup, your doctor will make sure you’re healthy, and review ways to stay healthy throughout the year.
Your annual checkup is a great time to talk with your doctor about how you are feeling both physically and mentally. Some common questions you might ask are:
• I have been really stressed out about school. How can I deal with stress better?
• My skin has been breaking out really bad lately. What kind of acne treatments are there?
• I get cramps really bad during my period. Is there any way to make them go away?
• I feel insecure about my body. Is there someone I can talk to about that?
What questions do you have about your health? Write them down and bring them with you to your next annual checkup. Click here to schedule your visit.
• I have been really stressed out about school. How can I deal with stress better?
• My skin has been breaking out really bad lately. What kind of acne treatments are there?
• I get cramps really bad during my period. Is there any way to make them go away?
• I feel insecure about my body. Is there someone I can talk to about that?
What questions do you have about your health? Write them down and bring them with you to your next annual checkup. Click here to schedule your visit.
Acute/Sick Care
Sick? We can help!
Whether you have a cold, a sore throat or the flu, our team of Board-Certified doctors and nurse practitioners are up-to-date on the latest treatments.
Even more serious problems like asthma and diabetes can be cared for at the Corner. In fact, we have nutritionists, case managers and social workers that help us take extra special good care of you.
So if you are not feeling well, come in for an appointment. We will help you feel better!
Whether you have a cold, a sore throat or the flu, our team of Board-Certified doctors and nurse practitioners are up-to-date on the latest treatments.
Even more serious problems like asthma and diabetes can be cared for at the Corner. In fact, we have nutritionists, case managers and social workers that help us take extra special good care of you.
So if you are not feeling well, come in for an appointment. We will help you feel better!
Need a physical for a sports team or job? We can help. At the Corner, we recommend everyone get checked out every year, whether you need it or not.
Any kind of physical, any time of the year: The Corner is the place.
All of our doctors are Board Certified in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine or Pediatrics. All specialize in the care of teens and young adults. For any physical exam, you will get checked out from head to toe, get help for any problems you have, learn about any immunizations or lab tests you might need, and get helpful, non-judgmental advice you need to stay healthy. Physicals are as important for teenagers and young adults as they are for newborn babies. Make an appointment today.
Fill out your paperwork ahead of time.
Any kind of physical, any time of the year: The Corner is the place.
All of our doctors are Board Certified in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine or Pediatrics. All specialize in the care of teens and young adults. For any physical exam, you will get checked out from head to toe, get help for any problems you have, learn about any immunizations or lab tests you might need, and get helpful, non-judgmental advice you need to stay healthy. Physicals are as important for teenagers and young adults as they are for newborn babies. Make an appointment today.
Fill out your paperwork ahead of time.
Immunizations, vaccinations, shots: No one likes them, except doctors. That's because immunizations prevent really bad diseases.
The COVID-19 shot is available at the Corner. Schedule an appointment today!
Tetanus shots help prevent lockjaw. Have you ever had lockjaw? It's not pretty. And whooping cough. That's a bad disease, and it's going around right now because not enough people are getting their shots.
At the Corner, we have all the old standbys, including vaccines for polio (you wouldn't want to catch that, would you?) and hepatitis B. We also have the new HPV vaccine for girls AND guys, as well as the meningococcus shot.
Staying up to date on your shots is important. At the Corner, it’s easy. Just schedule your appointment. When you come in, we’ll check the Michigan Immunization Registry to see which shots you need.
We can't promise that it won't hurt, but it will hurt a lot less than Lockjaw. Promise.
Want to learn more about immunizations? Check out the CDC Immunization webpage. Want access to your child or your own immunization record? See the MCIR website.
The COVID-19 shot is available at the Corner. Schedule an appointment today!
Tetanus shots help prevent lockjaw. Have you ever had lockjaw? It's not pretty. And whooping cough. That's a bad disease, and it's going around right now because not enough people are getting their shots.
At the Corner, we have all the old standbys, including vaccines for polio (you wouldn't want to catch that, would you?) and hepatitis B. We also have the new HPV vaccine for girls AND guys, as well as the meningococcus shot.
Staying up to date on your shots is important. At the Corner, it’s easy. Just schedule your appointment. When you come in, we’ll check the Michigan Immunization Registry to see which shots you need.
We can't promise that it won't hurt, but it will hurt a lot less than Lockjaw. Promise.
Want to learn more about immunizations? Check out the CDC Immunization webpage. Want access to your child or your own immunization record? See the MCIR website.
Men’s Health
At the Corner Health Center, we are committed to providing affordable, high-quality health care to young men. We offer a lot of services to help you achieve your health goals. These services include:
• Routine Checkups
• Immunizations/Shots
• Sport and Work Physicals
• Sexual Health: STI and HIV Testing and Treatment
• Free Condoms
• Mental Health Care
• Help when you are sick or have an injury
• Fitness and Healthy Eating
• Help to Quit Smoking
• Support Groups: As a young man, you are learning yourself and may need some support in doing so. Allow us to help you find that support as your grow into adulthood.
• Health Insurance Application Assistance
Young men’s resources
• Washtenaw My Brother’s Keeper
Online Bullying Support Resources:
• StopBullying.Gov
• Routine Checkups
• Immunizations/Shots
• Sport and Work Physicals
• Sexual Health: STI and HIV Testing and Treatment
• Free Condoms
• Mental Health Care
• Help when you are sick or have an injury
• Fitness and Healthy Eating
• Help to Quit Smoking
• Support Groups: As a young man, you are learning yourself and may need some support in doing so. Allow us to help you find that support as your grow into adulthood.
• Health Insurance Application Assistance
Young men’s resources
• Washtenaw My Brother’s Keeper
Online Bullying Support Resources:
• StopBullying.Gov
The Corner Health Center strives to be a safe, non-judgmental place for ALL patients and community members. We are a LGBTQ+ friendly health care provider. Our services include:
• routine checkups
• immunizations/shots
• sport and work physicals
• sexual health: STI and HIV testing and treatment
• birth control, pregnancy testing & care, free condoms
• mental health care
• help when you are sick or have an injury
• fitness and healthy eating
• help to quit smoking
• support groups
- The Corner Health Center is a LGBTQ+ friendly space
- If you identify as LGBTQ+ or are questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity, or would like to talk about things, we're here for you. We’ve helped many young people with dealing with bullying, thinking about the best way to come out, finding support (like community centers and churches), and Gender Affirming Care
And, of course, we have lots of resources to help you stay safe.
Bullying Support
Virtually anywhere you go today, bullying is a concern. At the Corner, we realize we can't go where the bullies are and make them stop. We can, however, work with you to figure out what to do about bullying.
• Sometimes, merely talking to a supportive person can make things better.
• Sometimes, we work with teens and young adults to figure out how to manage bullies on their own.
• Sometimes, though, bullies present real danger. The professionals at the Corner can help you get serious help.
• We can work with your school, your place of work, or your neighborhood. We can even access free legal help for our patients.
It's time to put an end to bullying. Come to the Corner and let us help you figure out how.
P.S. If you’re a bully, you should come to the Corner, too. We understand and we can help you stop. You'll be much happier. Promise.
LGBTQ+ Resources
• Amplify Your Voice
• It Gets Better Project
• The Trevor Project
• Transgender Resources
Online Bullying Support Resources:
• StopBullying.Gov
• routine checkups
• immunizations/shots
• sport and work physicals
• sexual health: STI and HIV testing and treatment
• birth control, pregnancy testing & care, free condoms
• mental health care
• help when you are sick or have an injury
• fitness and healthy eating
• help to quit smoking
• support groups
- The Corner Health Center is a LGBTQ+ friendly space
- If you identify as LGBTQ+ or are questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity, or would like to talk about things, we're here for you. We’ve helped many young people with dealing with bullying, thinking about the best way to come out, finding support (like community centers and churches), and Gender Affirming Care
And, of course, we have lots of resources to help you stay safe.
Bullying Support
Virtually anywhere you go today, bullying is a concern. At the Corner, we realize we can't go where the bullies are and make them stop. We can, however, work with you to figure out what to do about bullying.
• Sometimes, merely talking to a supportive person can make things better.
• Sometimes, we work with teens and young adults to figure out how to manage bullies on their own.
• Sometimes, though, bullies present real danger. The professionals at the Corner can help you get serious help.
• We can work with your school, your place of work, or your neighborhood. We can even access free legal help for our patients.
It's time to put an end to bullying. Come to the Corner and let us help you figure out how.
P.S. If you’re a bully, you should come to the Corner, too. We understand and we can help you stop. You'll be much happier. Promise.
LGBTQ+ Resources
• Amplify Your Voice
• It Gets Better Project
• The Trevor Project
• Transgender Resources
Online Bullying Support Resources:
• StopBullying.Gov
Sexual Health
Sexual health care is important if you’re considering becoming sexually active or if you already are. The Corner can help you make informed decisions about birth control and help you protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Sexual health visits will remain strictly confidential.
The Corner offers the following sexual health services:
• Birth Control and ECP (Emergency Contraception)
• STI Testing & Treatment
• HIV Testing & Counseling
• Pregnancy Tests & Care
Birth Control & ECP (Emergency Contraception)
Safe is sexy. While abstinence is the only foolproof way to prevent pregnancy (latex condoms are the best way to prevent STIs including HIV), most of us don't know every type of birth control available today.
At the Corner, we still have the Pill and the shot, but we can also help you with the patch, the ring, or an IUD.
At the Corner, we will take all the time you need to help figure out what birth control is right for you. We even have Emergency Contraception (sometimes called the morning-after pill or Plan B) that you can take after a condom accident, like when you forget to use one. You can come in and get that pill on the morning after or you can ask for it ahead of time in case you need it in the future.
Worried you made a mistake when using your current form of birth control? Click here for advice on what to do.
Click here to learn more about birth control options from a trusted resource. Or you can see our health info pages for more information.
STI and HIV Testing & Treatment
Considering becoming sexually active? Are you sexually active already? You should get checked out.
• Prevention: At the Corner Health Center, we can help you protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Stop by to get free condoms.
• Testing: We also can do confidential testing for many STIs. In most cases, we can see you the same day you call. Often, all you need to do is pee in a cup.
• Treatment: We keep some of the appropriate medicines on hand to treat STIs and can prescribe for all STI treatments. We can also provide free condoms to protect you next time. To learn more about STIs, click here.
• STI testing can be done confidentially. Click here to learn more about STIs using a trusted resource. Or you can see our health info pages for more information.
Remember, the most common STI symptom is no symptom at all. Get yourself tested today. Click here to make an appointment.
HIV Testing & Counseling
At the Corner, we also conduct two types of HIV tests:
• Rapid HIV testing requires a quick finger-prick. Results are available in 20 minutes.
• Traditional HIV testing is a blood draw sent to a lab. Results are available in 3 to 5 days. Health insurance usually covers the cost of this test.
HIV testing can be done confidentially. Click here to learn more about HIV using a trusted resource. Or you can see our health info pages for more information.
Remember, the most common STI symptom is no symptom at all. Get yourself tested today. Click here to make an appointment.
Pregnancy Tests & Care
Pregnancy Tests
Do you think you might be pregnant? For many young women, this can be a scary time. The Corner can help.
We do confidential pregnancy tests. You’ll be asked to pee in a cup. Test results are available in a few minutes. If your pregnancy test is negative, a nurse or doctor will talk to you about birth control, so you won't need to worry about pregnancy anytime soon. If your pregnancy test is positive, we’ll be here for you. We’ll support you in a safe, nonjudgmental and caring way.
If you are pregnant, please see our Pregnancy Care page or Click here to make an appointment!
Extra support
The Corner provides lots of extra support, too, including:
• help if you're breastfeeding
• a parenting group
• counselors to help if you are having problems as a new parent
• a store where you can use points you earn at your visits to get things you need for your baby, like diapers and clothes.
Everyone at the Corner is well accustomed to working with teens and young adults. We understand the challenges of being a young parent. We'll take the time to get to know you and give you all the time you need. The most important thing is that your baby is taken care of. We want to help.
The Corner offers the following sexual health services:
• Birth Control and ECP (Emergency Contraception)
• STI Testing & Treatment
• HIV Testing & Counseling
• Pregnancy Tests & Care
Birth Control & ECP (Emergency Contraception)
Safe is sexy. While abstinence is the only foolproof way to prevent pregnancy (latex condoms are the best way to prevent STIs including HIV), most of us don't know every type of birth control available today.
At the Corner, we still have the Pill and the shot, but we can also help you with the patch, the ring, or an IUD.
At the Corner, we will take all the time you need to help figure out what birth control is right for you. We even have Emergency Contraception (sometimes called the morning-after pill or Plan B) that you can take after a condom accident, like when you forget to use one. You can come in and get that pill on the morning after or you can ask for it ahead of time in case you need it in the future.
Worried you made a mistake when using your current form of birth control? Click here for advice on what to do.
Click here to learn more about birth control options from a trusted resource. Or you can see our health info pages for more information.
STI and HIV Testing & Treatment
Considering becoming sexually active? Are you sexually active already? You should get checked out.
• Prevention: At the Corner Health Center, we can help you protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Stop by to get free condoms.
• Testing: We also can do confidential testing for many STIs. In most cases, we can see you the same day you call. Often, all you need to do is pee in a cup.
• Treatment: We keep some of the appropriate medicines on hand to treat STIs and can prescribe for all STI treatments. We can also provide free condoms to protect you next time. To learn more about STIs, click here.
• STI testing can be done confidentially. Click here to learn more about STIs using a trusted resource. Or you can see our health info pages for more information.
Remember, the most common STI symptom is no symptom at all. Get yourself tested today. Click here to make an appointment.
HIV Testing & Counseling
At the Corner, we also conduct two types of HIV tests:
• Rapid HIV testing requires a quick finger-prick. Results are available in 20 minutes.
• Traditional HIV testing is a blood draw sent to a lab. Results are available in 3 to 5 days. Health insurance usually covers the cost of this test.
HIV testing can be done confidentially. Click here to learn more about HIV using a trusted resource. Or you can see our health info pages for more information.
Remember, the most common STI symptom is no symptom at all. Get yourself tested today. Click here to make an appointment.
Pregnancy Tests & Care
Pregnancy Tests
Do you think you might be pregnant? For many young women, this can be a scary time. The Corner can help.
We do confidential pregnancy tests. You’ll be asked to pee in a cup. Test results are available in a few minutes. If your pregnancy test is negative, a nurse or doctor will talk to you about birth control, so you won't need to worry about pregnancy anytime soon. If your pregnancy test is positive, we’ll be here for you. We’ll support you in a safe, nonjudgmental and caring way.
If you are pregnant, please see our Pregnancy Care page or Click here to make an appointment!
Extra support
The Corner provides lots of extra support, too, including:
• help if you're breastfeeding
• a parenting group
• counselors to help if you are having problems as a new parent
• a store where you can use points you earn at your visits to get things you need for your baby, like diapers and clothes.
Everyone at the Corner is well accustomed to working with teens and young adults. We understand the challenges of being a young parent. We'll take the time to get to know you and give you all the time you need. The most important thing is that your baby is taken care of. We want to help.
Visits for your Children
At the Corner Health Center, we love babies. If you or your baby's other parent are between the ages of 12 through 25, you can bring your baby to the Corner. Children of Corner patients can receive care at the Corner, too. We have pediatricians on staff to keep your little one healthy.
We have a full staff of Board-Certified pediatricians and family medicine doctors. They would love to work with you to keep your baby healthy, and when your baby is sick. We can do:
• well-child check-ups with immunizations and physicals for things like Head Start
• most of the lab tests that your baby will need as he or she gets older.
We have a full staff of Board-Certified pediatricians and family medicine doctors. They would love to work with you to keep your baby healthy, and when your baby is sick. We can do:
• well-child check-ups with immunizations and physicals for things like Head Start
• most of the lab tests that your baby will need as he or she gets older.

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