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March 30, 2022

So i have a question, this guy I’ve been seeing for 6 months told me he once had an out break of the herpes

March 30, 2022

Approximately 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with HPV

March 30, 2022

I recently did anal masturbation (solo) buy using an object to go into my anus.

March 30, 2022

I have a skin-colored bump on the front side of my penis (a lot down from my head)

March 30, 2022

I was recently diagnosed with genital herpes and so did my partner

March 30, 2022

Hi I’m on my 4th day of STI (chlamydia and gonorrhea) treatment and my bf is on his second

March 30, 2022

Hello, I have noticed I have a singular wart on my genital area but it does not bother me.

March 30, 2022

Hello! I have HPV and one big genital wart, I haven’t treated them because I’m scheduled to do chryoterapy next month…

March 30, 2022

If I had chlamydia and was going under treatment for it, and gave my boyfriend a hand job with my saliva, is there a chance he might have contracted it?