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Mental Health Services at the Corner

The Corner Health Care Center Behavioral Health team provides a wide range of behavioral and mental health care services. These include, but are not limited to, cognitive behavioral treatment for anxiety and depression; trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy, and other forms of trauma focused care; supportive therapy for adolescents and young adults who are dealing with the normal stressors of life. Solution focused therapy for a wide variety of emotional health needs. LGBTQ+ sensitive care, for youth and young adults who identify as LGBTQ+, transgender care, behavioral health care for underrepresented racial, ethnic and religious youth and young adults, substance use support and care, psychotherapy for expectant mothers, and young mothers, support for individuals who fall on the Autism Spectrum, support and help for individuals with ADHD, ADD, and other learning difficulties, mindfulness-based approaches to therapy, and so much more.

We believe every individual who comes to us with behavioral health challenges deserves to receive the highest quality care possible. We specialize in 1:1 individual counseling both virtually and in person. We also offer group therapy for a select number of issues. To avail yourself or your child of these services, please contact our front desk at (734)484-3600 to set up an initial medical screening. You or your child will either be matched with a therapist for an intake appointment, or added to our waitlist for services, once one of our therapists has slots available.

Our team is a diverse group of mental health professionals. We have intentionally tried to hire highly qualified therapists who represent many of the diverse groups from which our patients come. If you are specifically interested in a particular therapist for you or your child, feel free to request that therapist. Each therapist’s caseload and availability will determine how quickly they can provide therapy to you or your loved one.

If you have additional questions, please contact our behavioral health manager at (734) 714-2262. We are here to serve you.

Check out the mental health mini dashboard from the Washtenaw County Health Department.
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